Here's a pretty complete guide for how to encode a DVD to get the result as great as possible, it seems long but it's not so difficult as you may think. Just follow it carefully. OK, ready now? Let's GO!


Run DVD Rebuilder, then select Mode:


Now, select CCE as Encoder. You can see here, we have other encoders such as QuEnc, HC, or even ProCoder. But only CCE and ProCoder are the most popular, and in this tutorial, we choose CCE Mode:


After choosing our encoder, we must optimize its setting to get the best result of the encoded movie. Now, let's go to CCE's Advanced Settings (make sure that the option "One Pass VBR (w/analysis)" is unchecked as shown below,  because we want to have our movie compressed with CCE 10 Passes):


Scroll the "VBR Passes" bar to 10 (as far as I know, the more Passes you have, the better result you'll get, but the longer time it will take, too), and don't forget to click on "Save Settings":

If you can't make the Passes up to 10, well, you don't have luck today :). In fact, it was by chance that I succeeded to get to this setting, after playing around with the scroll bar to try changing that number, but forget that, all you need is to shutdown DVD Rebuilder; simply go to the program folder (normally is "C:\Program Files\DVD-RB PRO"), search for the file REBUILDER.INI, open it with NotePad or whatever text editor, find eclPasses=(...) and change it to eclPasses=10, then save it. Reopen DVD Rebuilder and there you go!

Alright, we have just finished setting our Encoder which is CCE with 10 Passes. Now, we need our movie to be compressed in a standard DVD5 (4.7 Gb). In the "Source Path" tab, select "Current Source Path" which is your DVD movie folder:

 Picture 1                                                                                                                          Picture 2  



Now the same move for the Work Path, except that I create a new folder called SPIDERMAN 2 DVD5, which will contain all my "output files".


You will ask me how about the Destination tab, well, it should be the DVD FILES folder where you can get your DVD5 ready to burn (about 4.3 GB), in condition that you have checked the Enable "Output" Directory option in the Mode menu. Usually, I have this option unchecked so that my DVD5 folder is created in the same working folder: Be warned that the Working Folder often takes about 3.5 GB, so when you do this step, prepare your HDD space with 8GB free (4.3 GB for DVD FILES + 3.5 GB for WORKING FILES)                         


In the above screenshot, there are some options we should notice here: "One Click Mode" and "Steal Space from Extras".

  • One Click Mode: Once you have this checked, you will see only the button "Backup", which means the program will automatically do all the 3 steps : "Prepare", "Encode" and "Rebuild" in one go!
  • Steal Space from Extras: I personally always set it to 10%, which means your main movie will "steal" 10% space from the Extra sections of the DVD (like Deleted Scenes, Making of.......). 10% is the best because your extras won't be much degraded and the main movie can be improved little bit. In this Spiderman 2 DVD, you can see the Extras are Video Title Set 04, VTS 05, VTS 06 which are about 310MB + 142MB + 282 MB = 734MB. So 10% of this are 73.4MB for your main movie, not really much though. The same concept for the option "Enable Menu Encoding" in "Settings" menu, in this DVD, the menu is just about 65MB, so it's not a big deal to encode the menu but we should keep it as oirginal, I only enable this option when the menu takes more than 110MB. Well, this is just my own experience though. So please tell me if you find these options differently, I'll appreciate that much!

Now, when all is cleared, you just go ahead push that button "Backup" - not my favorite though!!! One thing to keep in mind is that, this encoding process will take about 1038 minutes with an AMD Athlon 64 Processor 2800+. ProCoder will do the task much faster than CCE, but it seems to me the result is not so colorful, again, it's just my opinion. But luckily that this program can resume the encode process if you will have to interrupt the process, like shutting down the PC for instance See note below.


Then the program will do all its task, and you shouldn't do anything else with your PC, because it may cause some errors during this time:



But that's not what I'll do here, because I want to customize the quality distribution for each VTSs myself, I want some preferred extras to have better quality than others, or the "End Credit" chapter of the main film does not need to have much quality, so we can compressed it much more than the rest of the movie to give space for extras etc... So now, let's uncheck that "One Click Mode", then press the "Prepare" button and you will get this:


After this Phase 1 finishes, go to the Preview/Edit tab to begin our customization:


Now you should have this window:


So let's just take a look at each VTS's overall quality by clicking on each:


Well, greater than 60% can offer you the very comfortable quality for the main movie, and for the extras, just about 50% is enough. So with this DVD, we don't need to do anything much. But sometimes, your main movie is just about 60%, so what we must do is to re-configure these contributions in order to give more room for the main movie. So let's give our main movie more Bytes! Click on the VTS_01 and scroll the bar up to 82.5% for example. You will see the warning "Over target size" as shown below:


What we must do now is to reduce other parts of the DVD to fit the target size. But before going to another VTS, we can reduce in the main movie the "End Credit" chapter, which does not require much quality. So double click on VTS_01, click on the last chapter (you can see the preview of this on the window) and scroll it down to 60.4%, you can notice how many Bytes we saved:


Now for the others VTSs (which are the extras), it's up to you to re-configure the setting to obtain the required target size. Here are my own settings:


And finally, we get this "Size within TARGET limits.":


Now just click on "Save and Exit", then click "OK". And there you go, press the "Encode" button to start the encode process, this will take long time, so find something else to do if you're getting bored. :)

When this second (longest) phase is finished, you just need to press the "Rebuild" button to finalize our task, this is the last phase which will take about 15 minutes.

During the Encode Phase, you can interupt the process in need of shutting down the PC for example, and then resume it later, either you are in "One Cick Mode" or not. To interrupt, just click on the "Abort" button during the Encode Phase, and click "Yes" when asked as shown below:


To resume, run back DVD Rebuilder, and uncheck the option "One Click Mode", if not, you just have the button Backup enabled and it will do all over again the task. Here, we only want to resume the Encode Phase, so click on the "Encode" button, and then click yes again to confirm when popping up this window:

As you may see, the Encode phase will restart from the last time you interupted it. And when it's finished, don't forget to manually click on the "Rebuild" button to finish the task.

In the end, you will find these files in your Working Folder:


You can safely delete the folder D2VAVS, which just contains the "working files" during the process. The important files are in the folder DVDFILES, which are ready to burn into a standard DVD5!


2007 Copyleft - Tutos by =((-ImPulSe-))=